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Tailwind Nextjs Starter Blog v2.0 Tutorial



Welcome to the Tailwind Nextjs Starter Blog v2.0 Tutorial. This is a Next.js, Tailwind CSS blog starter template created by Timothy Lin. It includes the latest technologies, such as React, Next.js 13.4, Tailwind 3.0. It also includes ContentLayer to manage content logic and Pliny for analytics, comments, and newsletters. It makes technical writing a breeze. Easily configurable and customizable. Perfect as a replacement to existing Jekyll and Hugo individual blogs.

This template uses the Next.js 13.4 App Router which was released Spring 2023. The App Router replaced the Page Router and is now the preferred method for building Nest.js websites.

This tutorial is for new developers and those not familiar with Next.js and Tailwind. If you are familiar with Next.js and Tailwind you may want to go to GitHub repo and view the

If you want to view additional websites that have been created with this template:

Quick Start Guide


Make sure you have the latest versions of Node.js, yarn, and GitHub installed.

Clone the GitHub Repository

To download the application to your local computer at the Terminal enter:

npx degit 'timlrx/tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog'


To install the applicaiton at the Terminal enter:


Extensions for VS Code

If you are using VS Code you may want to install the following extensions.

  • ES7+React/Redux/React-Native snippets
  • ESLint
  • Tailwind CSS Intellisense

Development Server

Start the development server at the Terminal:

yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Personalize the Site

Open the data/siteMetadata.js file. This file contains most of the site related information which can be modified for a user's need. For now, change the author, headerTitle, and email settings using your information. Analytics, comments, newsletter, and other settings are in this file. You can come back to these setings later and change them. Do not change the siteLogo setting, it does not change to logo on the homepage. That is actually done in a different location that we will cover later.

Pesonalize the Default Author Information

Open the data/authors/ file and update this file with your own information. Additional authors can be added as files in data/authors folder.

name: Warren Beufesche
avatar: /static/images/avatar.png
occupation: Web3 Developer and Investor

Warren is a Web3 Developer and Investor residing in Paris, France and Omaha, Nebraska, USA.

Add a Blog Post

Select the data/blog folder. Add a new file, "first-post.mdx". Enter the following in that file.

title: 'First Post'
date: '2023-09-08'
lastmod: '2023-09-08'
tags: ['next-js', 'tailwind']
draft: false
summary: 'My first post.'
images: []

The new post will automatically be added to the blog posts.

Open the data/headerNavLinks.ts to customize the navigation links. Change the file as follows. I have commented out the projects menu item, but you may want to leave that in.

const headerNavLinks = [
  { href: '/', title: 'Home' },
  { href: '/blog', title: 'Blog' },
  { href: '/tags', title: 'Tags' },
  // { href: '/projects', title: 'Projects' },
  { href: '/interests', title: 'Interests' },
  { href: '/about', title: 'About' },

export default headerNavLinks

Then create an /app/interests folder. In that folder add a file, page.tsx and enter the following code.

import { genPageMetadata } from 'app/seo'

export const metadata = genPageMetadata({ title: 'Interests' })

export default function Page() {
  return (

You can change the Tailwind logo located at the top left of the home page. Go to data/logo.svg and rename that file to logo-original.svg. Copy the logo file of your choice into the data/logo.svg file. Open the components/Header.tsx file. About line 16 add the className="w6" to the Logo component. Of course you can modify this "w6" to the size you choice.

        <div className="mr-3">
          <Logo className="w-6" />

Change the Avatar image

You can see the avatar image on the About page. You can change this image to your own. Go to public/static/images/avatar.png and rename that file to avatar-original.Painting. Copy the image file of your choice into the public/static/images/avatar.png file. Make sure you refresh your browser to see the new image.

Optional configuration

Modify the Projects page

Open the data/projectsData.ts file and modify it to generate the styled card on the projects page.

Edit the content in data

Store Assets

public/static - store assets such as images and favicons.

Configure Tailwind

tailwind.config.js and css/tailwind.css - tailwind configuration and stylesheet which can be modified to change the overall look and feel of the site.

Configure Contentlayer

contentlayer.config.ts - configuration for Contentlayer, including definition of content sources and MDX plugins used. See Contentlayer documentation for more information.

Configure React Components

components/MDXComponents.js - pass your own JSX code or React component by specifying it over here. You can then use them directly in the .mdx or .md file. By default, a custom link, next/image component, table of contents component and Newsletter form are passed down. Note that the components should be default exported.

Configure Layouts

The primary layout is app\layout.tsx.

The pages templates are in the layouts directory.

  • There are currently 3 post layouts available: PostLayout, PostSimple and PostBanner. PostLayout is the default 2 column layout with meta and author information. PostSimple is a simplified version of PostLayout, while PostBanner features a banner image.
  • There are 2 blog listing layouts: ListLayout, the layout used in version 1 of the template with a search bar and ListLayoutWithTags, currently used in version 2, which omits the search bar but includes a sidebar with information on the tags.

Modify Content Security Policy

Open and modify the next.config.js file it if you need to adapt the Content Security Policy to load scripts, images, etc. from other domains.

Modify Code Highlighting

Open and modify the css/prism.css file to control the styles associated with the code blocks. Feel free to customize it and use your preferred prismjs theme e.g. prism themes.

Deploy on Vercel

The easiest way to deploy the template is to deploy on Vercel. Check out the Next.js deployment documentation for more details.